„Servitization: an Opportunity for Growth in European Regions“

On behalf of Friuli Innovazione, you are cordially invited to participate at the THINGS+ Interreg project online conference „Servitization: an Opportunity for Growth in European Regions“ on the 6th of October  – next Tuesday – starting at 10:00 a.m. CET.
Attached is the conference’s agenda, please register here: https://www.sbra.be/en/content/interreg-central-europe-i-things
Briefly about the conference & servitization methodology:
The world became cross-connected in pandemic times and digitization made companies competing for every individual customer. SMEs are struggling for customers in the competitive market where are companies like Netflix, Apple, and Rolls-Royce. Especially manufacturing SMEs need urgent support in the transfer of business model from Product delivery to Advance service delivery. They need to involve the newest technologies (IoT, AI, BigData, Industry 4.0, etc.), make new partnerships, and adapt the organizational culture of the company. In this transformation process, full support from policymakers is needed for co-creating a supporting environment, including broader regional stakeholders. Through service innovation, SMEs gain higher revenue, long-term customer loyalty, and new partnerships with regional stakeholders & technology innovations. With an active co-creation role, SMEs return with synergy effects on other regional stakeholders. And policymakers are this way supporting the process of making regional SME network more competitive on a global level.
For more information about the event and Things+ project, check out our website & Facebook.

Kategorie Aktuality, Blog.